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How to Create Effective PPC Campaigns

PPC Campaigns

What is a PPC Campaign?


A PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaign is an online advertising method where advertisers only pay when a user clicks on their ads. This form of advertising allows businesses to reach their targeted audience with the ability to accurately measure the results of their campaigns.

Platforms for PPC Campaigns

Which platforms are the best for PPC campaigns?

Google Ads


  • Great Coverage and Audience: Google is the world's most popular search engine with billions of searches daily, offering the ability to reach a huge audience.
  • Ads in Various Forms: You can create search ads (when someone searches for something specific), display ads (viewable on websites on the Google network), video ads (on YouTube), and shopping ads (for products on online marketplaces).
  • Precise Targeting and Measurement: You can target your audience based on criteria such as keywords, location, user behaviors, etc. The platform also offers detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns, allowing you to optimize your spending.


Meta Ads


  • Precise Targeting of Demographics and Interests: advertising can target exactly the audience you want based on age, geographic location, interests, habits, and user behaviors.
  • Visually Attractive Ads: You can use images and videos to display your products or services attractively.
  • Easy Integration with Instagram: the ad can also be featured on Instagram, which is ideal for products and services that can attract the user through the image.


In addition to Google Ads and Meta Ads, there are other important platforms for PPC campaigns worth considering, depending on the goal and audience of each business:


  • LinkedIn Ads is ideal for B2B businesses and professionals looking for precise targeting based on professional profiles and skills.
  • Twitter Ads offers the ability to engage in real-time conversations and target audiences based on specific hashtags and interests.
  • Also, YouTube Ads are ideal for businesses that want to showcase video content and target a wide and diverse audience.
  • Finally, Pinterest Ads offers attractive targeting options for businesses in the fashion, home, and art sectors, making it ideal for products that inspire and create a sensation.


Choosing the right platform depends on your goals and audience, and combining different platforms can lead to even better results and growth opportunities.


Right Keywords for PPC Campaigns

Choose the right keywords


To choose the right keywords for a PPC campaign, follow the steps below:


  1. Set Your Goals: First of all, set clear goals for your campaign. Do you want to increase sales, sign-ups, website visits, or something else?
  2. Understand Your Audience: Understand who your audience is that you want to reach. What are their interests, what are their needs, and how do they look for the products or services you offer?
  3. Research Keywords: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify popular and relevant keywords for your business. Look for keywords that are related to your products or services and that are frequently used by your audience.
  4. Evaluate Competitiveness and Traffic: Choose keywords that have enough search traffic, but be careful not to be overly competitive. Identify keywords that may be more specific to reduce competition and increase the likelihood of user conversion.
  5. Test and Adapt: Start with a set of keywords and monitor their performance through reports and metrics in Google Ads. Adjust your keyword list based on the results you achieve and changes in the market.


By carefully selecting your keywords, you can optimize your campaign performance and achieve your Google Ads goals.

Targeting in Campaigns


How targeting works in PPC campaigns


Targeting in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns is a critical process that determines which users will see your ads and when. The main targeting methods in PPC campaigns include:


Targeting with keywords:

  • Exact Match: The ad only appears when the user's search exactly matches the keywords you have specified.
  • Phrase Match: The ad appears when the user's search contains the exact phrase of your keywords, even if it contains additional words before or after the phrase.
  • Broad Match: The ad can appear for searches related to your keywords, even if they don't contain those exact words.
  • Broad Match Modifier: Similar to Broad Match, but with some restrictions indicating which words should be included in the search.

Targeting by demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Education

Targeting by location:

  • You can target users in specific geographic areas, such as countries, cities, or even specific zones within cities.

Device-based targeting:

  • Targeting is based on the device the user is using, e.g. mobile, tablet, or desktop.

Behaviour-based targeting:

  • Targeting users based on their online behavior, such as the websites they visit, the searches they perform, and their interactions with content.

Interest-based targeting:

  • Targeting users based on their interests, as determined by their interactions with online content and their preferences.


Choosing the right targeting methods is vital to the success of a PPC campaign. Proper targeting can increase the effectiveness of your ads, reducing your cost per click (CPC) and increasing your return on investment (ROI).


Monitoring of Results

Proper Monitoring of Results & Shaping the Campaign accordingly


Proper monitoring of results and adjusting the campaign accordingly are keys to improving the performance of PPC campaigns. Here are some practical tips to help you achieve this:


Use of Analytical Tools

  • Google Analytics: use Google Analytics to track performance in real-time.

See which keywords are driving the most traffic and which ones are driving conversions.


KPI definition and monitoring

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identify key indicators such as CTR (Click-Through Rate), CPC (Cost Per Click), Conversion Rate, and ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

If your goal is to reduce CPC, monitor this indicator daily and adjust your bids accordingly.


Frequent Data Review

  • Review: Conduct weekly or monthly data reviews to identify trends and changes in performance.

If you notice that a particular ad has a high CTR but a low conversion rate, it may need landing page optimization.


Data-driven Campaign Customization

  • Offer Optimization: Increase bids for keywords that perform well and reduce or remove those that don't.

If you see that a keyword has a high conversion rate, increase its bid to gain more impressions.


Use Remarketing

  • Remarketing: target visitors who did not complete the desired action.

Create a Remarketing campaign to show personalized ads to users who abandoned their shopping cart.


A/B Testing

  • Ad Testing: test different text, images, and offers to see which performs best.

Test two different call-to-action (CTA) and see which one leads to more conversions.


With these practical tips, you can optimize your PPC campaigns by constantly monitoring performance and adjusting your strategy for better results.


Common Mistakes in PPC Marketing


What are the common mistakes to avoid in PPC campaigns?


To succeed in your PPC campaigns, avoid the following common mistakes:


  1. Lack of systematic keyword research: Do detailed research to identify the appropriate keywords your targeting is using, utilizing tools like Google Keyword Planner.
  2. Unstructured Campaigns: Separate campaigns, keyword groups, and ads for easier management and improved performance.
  3. Content and Target Mismatch: Make sure your ads are linked to the content and message of landing pages.
  4. Absence of A/B Testing: Test different ad copy and landing pages to find what works best.
  5. Limited Analysis and Results Tracking: Monitor metrics and analytics frequently to continuously improve the performance of your campaigns.
  6. Disregard for Budget: Establish a clear strategy for budget and budget management, taking into account performance and ROI.


budget management of PPC campaigns


Proper budget management of my PPC campaign


Start with a Pilot Budget

  • Test Campaign: Start with a small amount for the first few weeks of your campaign. This will allow you to test different strategies without risking a large portion of your budget.
  • Performance Evaluation: Analyze the results of the pilot phase to identify which keywords and ad copy perform best.


Set Daily Budget and Adjust it Frequently

  • Daily Monitoring: If you see that the campaign is performing well, you can gradually increase the budget.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Don't hesitate to adjust your daily budget based on performance. If you see a high ROI on any given day, increase the budget to take advantage of the positive return.


Invest in Geographic Targeting

  • Local targeting: If your business serves specific geographic areas, focus on those to maximize your budget efficiency.
  • Customize Bids: Set different bids for different regions based on performance.



Proper targeting of PPC campaigns is the key to the success of your advertising strategy. By using the right keywords, demographics, location, device, behavior, and interests, you can reach the right audience at the right time. Retargeting and leveraging social media can further enhance the performance of your campaigns.


At Net n' Design, we have the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to see how we can improve your campaigns and achieve better results. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way on your path to success.

Alkis Lampropoulos's Avatar

Alkis Lampropoulos

I am a Digital Marketing Specialist with a Master's degree in Digital Marketing & Digital Innovation. I have experience in Digital Marketing Strategies, Social Media Management, Content marketing, SEO and Advertising. I strongly believe in the power of digital marketing and digital channels to grow businesses and achieve their goals. My goal is to help businesses realize their full potential in the digital world by offering advanced solutions and strategies that will lead them to success.